Seattle-based life sciences company RareCyte announced $20 million in new funding to advance its applications for the analysis of cells.

  • RareCyte sells imaging-based liquid and tissue biopsy analysis platforms that detect and analyze cells. The company’s products are primarily aimed at clinical and translational researchers in academia and biopharma companies.
  • Founded in 2009, RareCyte is led by CEO and President Joe Victor, former chairman at Purigen Biosystems and CEO at Startide Sciences.
  • Forest Road, Arboretum Ventures, and F-Prime Capital co-led the round. Other backers include HealthQuest Capital, 5AM Ventures, Agilent Technologies, RareCyte founder Ron Seubert, Sheatree Capital, and GKCC LLC. RareCyte raised a $24 million round in 2021, and has raised more than $120 million to date.
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